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Main Route to Saas-Grund and Saas-Fee Reopens Following Landslide

The road between Stalden and Saas-Balen, which had been closed since September 5 due to a mudslide, was reopened on Wednesday, September 11 at 11:00 AM, according to the municipality of Saas-Fee. Explosions were carried out between Friday and Sunday to clear the unstable zone, allowing the repair work to be completed.

This road is the main route to the popular tourist and ski destinations of Saas-Grund and Saas-Fee. The reconstruction of the Mattwaldbach crossing, whose bridge was destroyed by the mudslide, has been completed. Temporary repairs have been made, and plans for a new bridge are in progress.

Heavy rainfall and flooding on the night of September 4-5 triggered the mudslide, which blocked the main Visp-Saas-Fee road and disrupted traffic in the region. Picture and info by Gemeinde Saas-Fee


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